is a MAZE but you is AMAZE...Love
It is DEEPAVALI time!

Jun 10, 2014


 \\Help me by click on the banner and wait till end loading ! TQ ! :)//

Search your feels and tell us why you heart BTS for a chance to win an autographed BTS album!

Be creative!

Duration: June 6th - June 15th, 2014

How to Enter:
1. Share this post
2. Share your story in the comment section below

Fans with the ...
5 most creative stories OR 5 most sharing points will receive an exclusively autographed BTS album !
Want to know more info about this contest ? Just click the banner ! Don't forget to join it ! :D

Jun 9, 2014

Liebster Awards in June.

Hello everyone ! :) I'm coming back here for Liebster Award . I'd never ever received this thing . :O This is my first time so I don't know what to do . I'm just follow the rules . ^^ Haha ! XD By the way , thanks to AnaLoque for tagging me . :* Well , don't wanna waste my time . So , let's get start it ! ^_^

The rules:
1. Mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions asked.
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers with lots of potential.
4. Create 11 of your own questions set for them to answer.
5. Notify your nominee. 
 #MyAnswer :

1. What kind of beauty products that you are used now?
I'm using RisBeauty . :D

2. Do you like to drink beverages or plain water?
Plain water because I'll get stomach acne if I drink beverages .

3. What kind of your dream house? State why.
Erm , house that have a swimming pool , a library , a gym and a room for me to play any music intruments because I hate to go out to see people . =..=

4. Do you like to wear high heels or flat shoes?
Of course flat shoes !

5. What is your favourite dessert?
Erm , ice-cream !

6. What will you do before you go to sleep every night?
Me ? Washing my face and leg and not forgotten to brush my teeth . Use night cream for my face , make sure my bed is clean from any dirt , turn of the light , read Do'a and finally , SLEEP ! :D

7. If there something that you want, then what is it?
I've lot of things that I want but the most wanted right now is Samsung Galaxy S5 ! :(

8. Tell me your favourite part of your life.
Erm , when my crush have crush on me ! :P

9. What do you like to do other than blogging?
Online shopping ! :D

10. Do you have own any gadgets? e.g smartphone, laptop, camera etc.
Netbook ? Haha ! XD

11. State your favourite social web.
Twitter ! :D
Alright , I'm done answering these questions . Sorry for my broken english . :) So , I'm ready to give some questions for you . Actually , I'm already blank . Don't what to ask . By the way , here they are !

Questions :
1. What do you think about having a crush on someone ?
2. Do you have crush on someone for over 3 years ? Why ?
3. Why you love blogging ?
4. Are you kpop addiction ? Why ?
5. State a song you love the most . Why ?
6. Tell me about your bestfriend .
7. Have you ever involved in any tragedy ?
8. Your biggest wishes that you want it becomes true ?
9. People can know you when they see your ... (Ex : Mole , Nose hole look like heart shape and etc )
10. Is my questions hard or crazy ? :P
11. What do you think about my English ? Haha ! ^^

And the nominees are ...

Jun 5, 2014

The Basic Love Giveaway

Winners are choosen by :- 
 i) top referral - 2 winners
ii) creative entry - 2 winners
iii) random

Prizes :-

Shawl half-moon black and white x 1
EXO photocards 5 pieces x 1
Custom made T-shirt Geek x 1
Hadiah misteri x 2
Postcards 5 pieces x 1
Topup RM5 x 9
Header blog x 7
Cursor x 3

Tagged :
|| Kitty NF || Miss ELF || Shamin || Ilia Asya ||
Sorry I don't have Instagram account and I'm using maxis . :D

1st Giveaway by Taochenlay

Prizes :
1x Any Kpop Mini or Single Album - normal edition

LUCKY DRAW (9 winners)
1x Infinite/EXO T-Shirt
1x RM10 topup
2x Header for Bloggers
1x Event Card Set for Gurupop user

Notes : 
- More prizes will be added if the participants are more than 100 people
- Winners will be choose using
Tagged :
|| Hyunjae || Aiwoo || AtinVIP || AtiqahJaidin || Hana ||
|| Julia || Farra || ZakiahPurple || Faierra || Nurin ||

Jun 4, 2014

Infinite Last Romeo Giveaway by Fiqa Nsz

Infinite Last Romeo Giveaway by Fiqa Nsz
KLIK BANNER untuk menyertai giveaway ini!

Special Thanks to:
Para sponsor giveaway ini iaitu Mr. Cupid, Anis Nadzirah, NARA Kpop Online Shop, Karimah Zulkafali, Aliatul Aiman dan Keyranazleen. Giveaway ini dianjurkan oleh Fiqa Nsz

Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk merebut hadiah menarik yang ditawarkan!
Top Refferal bakal membawa pulang hadiah album Infinite Last Romeo [official original album],
Cabutan bertuah pula mencari seramai 16 pemenang untuk merebut hadiah seperti MP3 shuffle, Infinite Replica Jersey, Infinite special limited edition badges, Infinite badge, Notebook, Infinite Key Holder dan topup!

Giveaway ini berlansung selama sebulan iaitu dari 15 May sehingga 15 Jun 2014.
Jom sertai sekarang sebelum terlambat!